Today as I continued reading the Book of Mormon through once again I really gained a strong testimony of Prayer! I just got to the Isaiah chapters in 1st Nephi which are sometimes hard to understand. However thanks to a prayer to the Lord that I might understand what was trying to be said I was able to understand the complex language of Isaiah. It did help out alot that Nephi explains it very simply afterwards, but I am still grateful for God answering prayers! If for some reason you are afraid to pray or you don't know how to, just remember God is always there for us! For more information on prayer never be afraid to look up The lord has given us these sources for our benefit.
I am currently a missionary with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I'm excited to be able to spread the Gospel to all over technology. It is my hope that as you contemplate the Gospel of Christ that you will have an overwhelming desire to learn more. As a messenger of Christ I'd love to be able to answer as many questions as I can. Although understand I'm not perfect, but I will try to answer them to the best of my ability! I hope to hear from everyone soon!
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