So it's time to make a bad into a good. Today will be an email from my mother I feel that everyone could use. A little background. I was in a huge car accident while out here. I am all well and God has blessed me beyond belief. Here is the email from my mother.
"My Dear Son, In whom I am well pleased. Words cannot express the gratitude that your dad and I feel in our hearts for the love and protection granted you and Elder Corbridge during your car accident. So my message for you and for those reading is Thank You.
First of all: Thank you Elder Walker & Elder Corbridge for representing the Church of Jesus Christ with honor, diligence and obedience.
Thank you to the Elders in Louisville Kentucky mission who came so quickly to the hospital to give you a priesthood blessing.
Thank you to all those people who have fasted and prayed on your behalf and on behalf of all the sisters and elders in the world. Their prayers have brought both physical and mental strength to both our families and to your own temporal body that survived such an ordeal.
Thank you to your mission president President McKee. His Christ like service and father's love helped keep me and your dad from jumping on the next plane to Kentucky!
And most of all, thank you to our loving Heavenly Father and his son, Jesus Christ. May you know that a miracle happened on a tiny highway in Kentucky when two representatives of the Lord were protected from major harms, and the miracles continue as their injuries heal. I could have lost a son. Our Heavenly Father did. However this sacrifice was for us. I know that is was through the atonement of our Lord and Savior that you were offered protection that extended beyond this earthly veil.
May all who read this know that the gospel of Jesus Christ is true. Love, your mom"
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on Monday, August 8, 2011
at 10:34 AM
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All I can say is "WOW" What a beautiful testimony and spirit you carry with you. Thank You for sharing this message with us and to help us remember what we are doing here.
August 9, 2011 at 8:43 AM
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