Another message from my mom read this and understand the power of prayer!!! I love Prayer!!
I know you realize just how blessed you really are. I hope you realize that the entire world has rallied around you and Elder Corbridge in fasting and prayer. I physically felt the sustaining peace and support of those prayers last week as we were getting ready for the wedding and so scared, but thankful about your condition.
So how are you really? In church our prayer was that you have a full and complete recovery and you are able to continue with your mission responsibilities.
Well of coarse I bore my testimony in church. So did Brother Astle. He was our high counsel representative. He said that he has spent more time in the emergency room with you Mac then he has with his own kids! He also testified of the power of the fast and said that you have an important mission here on earth.
After the meeting a lady came up to me. She said she was from Texas on vacation and she had been praying for you Elder Walker. She was so happy to get your updates. Yup, she is from the missionary moms group. Elder Colbridges mom just joined the group too! We are going to meet for lunch when Dad and I go to Utah and Idaho at the end of the month.
A couple of other faith promoting things: Grandma Pahl was at home in Arizona and turned on the TV. It was an evgelical minister, you know the kind that do those tv prayer shows. She said there were two young missionaries from the LDS church who were involved in a terrible accident and to pray for thier recovery. Grandma said that the show originated somewhere in Kentucky. I have two Catholic friends. One said she stayed up at night and said rosery for you. Another did a morning mass in your honor.
My point: Prayer is universal. Our kind Heavenly Father loves all of his children and allowed them to be touched by the needs of two servants of the Lord. All denominations have joined in praying for you complete recovery. Wow
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on Saturday, August 13, 2011
at 1:06 PM
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