Pride comes before the fall  

Posted by Mathew C. Walker

Yesterday was a day to never be forgotten! A day that changed my life forever! I can not begin to explain the occurance of yesterday, and the words I use here will not do the Justice of what God has done! I will try my hardest to explain, but it is my hope that instead of focusing on these words you will focus on what God teaches you as you read.

God Works mighty miracles. What I am out here doing is God's work, not mine, I hope I never forget that. Pride NEVER gets anyone anywhere. As soon as you can learn that "this" (whatever this is for you is differnet for me and everyone else around you) is what God wants for us the quicker we can know the purpose of life; The quicker we learn that God's will brings joy; the quicker we learn joy; the quicker we can learn to have true joy; The quicker our will becomes God's will; The quicker we have the chance to help others reach salvation. It is my wish that everyone could experience what the spirit can teach us. I wish everyone could have stepped into my shoes last night. The true love for a family I have been teaching for some time here was manifested last night by the spirit! The Spirit Works Miracles! God Answers Prayers. God answered my prayers through this family! Constantly pray if you are prideful that pride might cease. I know God will humble you as He has me. He will put you through hell, pride might be lifted initially, but Pray and pride will fall. And when it does don't forget who caused that pride to cease: GOD. Humility Produces Miracles.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, March 15, 2011 at 10:42 AM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


Wow, I am touched by your humility. Thank you for sharing your feelings. I know it is difficult to get rid of the "natural man's pride" but you have shown what GREAT things can be accomplished when you do just that and place your path in the Lord's hands. Thank you

March 15, 2011 at 5:49 PM

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