
Posted by Mathew C. Walker

I'm excited to say I'll be staying in Thompson Station for one more transfer. I'll get to see some of my most favorite people in the world be baptized this Saturday, and I get to have another tenacious six weeks with Elder Dye. So anyways onto other things that are going on in my life: I just recently learned a new language that reinforced that I can speak a different language. I will write in it for a bit then translate for you. ubi trubied lubearnubing spubanubish ubonce... FUBAILED... trubied lubearnubing subign lubangubuage ubonce... FUBAILED... bubut thube Lubord knubows ubi hubave ubalwubays wubantubed tubo spubeak subomethubing ubothuber thuban ubenglubish hube mubade ubit pubossubible fubor mube tubo dubo subo! .... TRANSLATION i tried learning Spanish once... FAILED... tried learning sign language once... FAILED... but the Lord knows i have always wanted to speak something other than English he made it possible for me to do so! The Lord works in mysterious ways!

This entry was posted on Saturday, March 19, 2011 at 1:47 PM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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